2003-06-21 | 1:42 a.m.

I hate you because you follow the statement of "You're not pregnant" with "You're cute!".

Yes, I'm paranoid about my period. For good reason. We're not using any form of birth control other than abstaining. And occassionally your semen gets really close to my vagina.

In the PMS haze right before my period my mind goes through plausible scenerios of how I would get pregnant without actually having sex. It frightens me. I know the chance is next to impossible of that happening, but I'd rather be realistically paranoid than brushing it off and finding out later why I missed a period.

"You haven't been this happy in awhile to get your period, have you?"

No, I haven't.

Camp screwed with my cycle.

But I shouldn't be this happy to have my damn period.
