2005-09-23 | 2:17 a.m.

I hate you for not being here.

Someone out there writes love songs. Someone out there believes in them. And not just someone, but many people, yes? And it can't have all been by girls. There are songs written and sung and performed by boys.

They must believe in them, right?

Because why take the time to write and sing and perform if you don't believe? Your whole existence would be pointless. And the people who listen, they believe, don't they?

Doesn't everyone want what the love songs express?

This is my theory, that people want it.

People want to lose control. They want to look into eyes more beautiful than anything they've ever seen and just...lose their breath. They want to sit next to someone and stare at the stars and not feel alone. So, so alone.

But if so many people want to write about it and sing about it and listen to songs about it and read about it...if so many people are willing to do that...why is it so hard to find?

Impossible. Invisible.

