2004-03-18 | 4:23 a.m.

Dear Dustin,

I read in your diary that you need "friend upgrades." I feel two ways about this.

On one hand, I can totally relate. Boy howdy! I have been in that situation many times. I totally know what it feels like to want or need new friends.

It sucks.

I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemies.

On the other hand, you said we "bore" you?!!?

I can't even express my anger at this statement. WE BORE YOU! I'm gonna pretend your boredom pertains only to me. To speak otherwise would be to assume how others feel. I'm not gonna do that.

Really, all I have to say is this: HERE I AM! I have been here for six weeks, waiting patiently for you. I've endured your immature behavior and your inappropriate comments. I have asked you questions about your life to receive nothing in return. I come over several times a week, well past my bedtime, to spend time with you. I go out of my way for you. I'm trying to build a relationship.

You are doing nothing...but you're bored.

If you want me to laugh at your inappriopriate jokes, if you want me to encourage your immature behavior, if you want me to accept the fact that you behave like a 12 yr. old, GET OVER IT! We live in an adult world, and I'm an adult.

I love your sense of humor. It is my favorite thing about you. I love that you play guitar. I love that you're into music. I love that there are worlds of music that you know and can show me. I love that you're kind and giving. I love that you're into philosophy. I love the few conversations we have. I think you have a great smile and beautiful eyes. I love your facial expressions, and I believe there is a lot more to you than what I've seen.

HOWEVER, I am not going to sit around and pretend you aren't the most annoying fuck I've ever met. You have no idea when to stop. You retreat into your bedroom to your anti-social world. I won't pretend to enjoy this.

And I won't pretend you're being bored with us is ok. I'm sitting here, waiting for you to get a clue. If you took a moment, and you paid attention to me, you'd get such a huge response. Instead, you're willing to be bored.


It makes me want to kick you!

