2004-01-25 | 1:57 a.m.

I'm sitting at my computer, minding my own business, when the boy IM's me:

He: hey. uhm, could you still give Jon a ride tonight?

Please note that this is the first thing he's said to me all day. No "hi," no nothing. Just "hey. uhm, could you...?"

a) "still"? I never said I would.

b) what the hell?

I don't like this Jon kid, he freaks me out, and I don't want to be alone in the car with him. Fair enough? Of course, do I tell him it bothers me when I am forced to think I am pretty much just a drivers license? Of course not.

me: possibly.

He doesn't respond to the vague answer with the appropriate action. He continues, because he is a boy and he is stupid.

he: i'll give you his number: ***-****

me: *death glare*

And now he makes the most brilliant deduction in the conversation thus far. He draws on past knowledge of when I didn't want to call Jon but, doesn't wise up to the whole "oh, wow, she doesn't want to give him a ride and I've pissed her off" thing.

he: YOU need to tlk to him to know how to get there

he: i will call him anyway, but you still need to call him eventually

me: ...

he: dont you give me "death dots of doom."

At this point I've had time to steam, and think... maybe I'm overreacting. So instead of starting a fight, I laugh it off.

me: *laughs*

he: hey, but i gotta go. peace.

Which to me says "hey, I got what I wanted, which was for you to do something for me. and it looks like you aren't pissed off, so that means I don't have to endure your presence any longer." Not to mention, there is no "hey, I love you, thanks..."

His away message now reads:

"I'm playin Final Fantasy X *drools* i love it."

So I guess it's good that he loves SOMETHING. Asshole.

