2005-02-16 | 9:13 p.m.

Dear fuckwad,

Do you REALLY resent me just because I won't come over and give you a blowjob? Or do you resent me because I'm FINALLY, FINALLY moving on with my life? Do you resent me for getting a kick ass new job? Do you resent me for falling for another boy, someone who isn't you?

Do you really resent me not giving you what you want when really, it's you who fucked up? I would have married you. I would have married you five or six or probably even seven years ago. I probably would have even married you 6 months ago. But guess what? Then I grew up and figured it out. And now I've moved on. And now I'm kissing someone else. Now I'm shopping for fancy underwear for someone else. Now I'm getting those fantastic butterflies whenever I think about him and the future we have ahead of us.

And, oh yeah, you RESENT me?

Let me tell you something, dude. Think about how much you resent me. Go ahead, close your eyes and think about it. Now know that as much as you resent me, your resentment will never even be pinprick of what mine was. Let's see.. I resented you for never comitting to me. I resented you for never being able to keep your dick in your pants. I resented you for never giving me what I wanted. I resented you for never actually calling me your girlfriend. I resented you for making it feel like it was all my fault. I resented you for treating me like I was a second class citizen because I wasn't as smart as you.

I could go on, but I'm sure you get the point by now.

So, in summary? Go fuck yourself. You'll never resent me half as much as I resented you. But guess what? I'm over it. I hope someday you'll get over it, too. It's hard. It only took me two years.


- S9
