2005-01-27 | 11:45 a.m.

Dear Boy #1,

I'm not sure if you have any inkling of this or not - I'm pretty sure you must have some idea - but I'm pretty much over you.

Yeah, shocking, right? But seriously.. if you wanted me to come over, I would still probably come. But if you wanted sexual activity, I wouldn't participate. And I guess since the only reason you'd want to see me anymore is so you can get off, I won't be coming over. Guess what? That works for me. I'll miss your dog and your roommate's daughter that I've watched grow up, but it's worth because I finally got rid of you.

I finally got that monkey off my back. I FINALLY decided that I'm strong enough to go through life without worrying about our future.

And that's not Woman Empowerment bullshit, either. It's just the truth. And it really doesn't have a lot to do with the new boy in my life. Oh yeah, you didn't know? There's a new guy. I bet you didn't think that was ever going to happen, did you? Sorry about that.

So, guess what? Fuck you and your booty calls. I'm over it. At one point in my life, the only thing I ever wanted to do was marry you. Good thing I got over that.

Once again..

fuck you.


Dear Boy #2,

Two weeks ago I was really excited that there was this new boy who was obviously really into me. It was so new and exciting and all that crap, and I got nervous tingles in my body whenever I thought about you.

Two weeks later, I have no fucking clue where we stand. Okay, I made an idiotic comment that I regret with the power of 1,000 suns. I don't know if you're over that or not, because frankly? I feel like I'm still being punished for it. I totally made myself completely available to you yesterday and that was a big mistake, I recognize that.

I don't even know what to say to you, man. I really like you. I think we could have an awesome future together if we can just get over this awkward beginning. Are you going to give us the chance to do that, or are you going to be a supreme asshat?

Let me know.. I'll be waiting, but not forever. I already made that mistake once.

your favorite bank groupie.
